Forest South East Asia

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ForestSEA at COP26

World leaders and activists reveal how the brutal and corrupt logging industry is destroying the planet's future—and how to stop them.

We are on track to cut down every tree on our planet within decades. Despite desperate pleas by both indigenous and international communities, logging companies are hacking away at the world’s most precious rainforests at an incredible rate. These loggers are protected by corruption, offshore markets and their own brutal reputations. Despite the danger, there are some fighting back.

With a special message from former British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, journalist Clare Rewcastle is joined by Governor of Oro Province, Gary Juffa, exiled Sarawakian activist, Mutang Urud, and Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia’s Leader of the Opposition for a thrilling panel discussion exposing from their own brutal experience how the timber mafia is destroying the world’s future and how to confront them by naming names. Can big business provide solutions to protect the forest—and would those solutions be right for its historical stewards?